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DAGENS VISA:   2004 juli 12

Tom Lehrer (1)

Tom Lehrer (2)


DAGENS VISA:   2003 juli 12

Rich's Folk Music Page

Bob Dylan/Song to Woody

[till dagens visa 2002]

[texter Woody Guthrie]

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texter Woody Guthrie (engelska)

texter Bob Dylan (engelska)

texter Peter Paul and Mary (engelska)

melodin i midiformat

This land is your land
text och musik: Woody Guthrie

This land is your land, this land is my land
From the redwood forest to the New York island.
From the snow-capped mountains to the Gulf Stream waters
This land is made for you and me.

As I go walkin' my ribbon of highway
I see all around me my blue blue skyway
Everywhere around me the wind keeps a-whistlin'
This land is made for you and me.

I'm a-chasin' my shadow out across this roadmap
To my wheat fields waving, to my cornfield dancing
As I go walkin' this wind keeps talkin'
This land is made for you and me.

I can see your mailbox, I can see your doorstep
I can feel my wind rock your tip-top treetop
All around your house there my sunbeam whispers
This land is made for you and me.

texter Woody Guthrie (engelska)


DAGENS VISA:   http://www.dagensvisa.com/minata/dav/aktuell.htm

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